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The king of seltzers!

Not just the best of the yuzu genre, but the entire seltzer family! (in my humble opinion). 

The flavours are deep and citrusy, perfectly balanced, cool and refreshing.

This one is healthy, low cal, with all natural ingredients, which is why I can drink so many and still keep my bottom in shape! I like to come home from a long days work, kick back, hop into a revitalising mud bath, and crack open one of these bad-boys. Perfection. 

It recently gained a well deserved double good taste award too! 

Natural, healthy, feel good vibes, and you can have cases delivered to your doorstep! Order yuzu seltzer.

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A solar storm is brewing on the horizon, the planet's waxy skin sweating citrusy oil while a breeze scatters asteroid dust along your twitching nose. 

time for a cool, refreshing beverage. 

Clearly I am a fan of the mighty yuzu, what might not be so obvious is my love of the yuzu in its perfect form. The Seltzer.

I have compiled a list here of my favourites.

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don't know about you but I like to get a little loose on the weekends. Naughty. Enter stage left:  the Mikkeler yuzu seltzer! Named Sally's Seltzer, probably after a yuzu named Sally, this is my first choice for a boozy evening! This one is sweet but with a bit of a kick, I highly recommend it as a can of choice if you're going for 'tinnies in the park' (a very popular pastime these days) 

Mikkeller are also fabulous when it comes to beer, so check out the rest of their line for your more savoury friends. 



You can probably guess why this one is here! Space theme? Check. Yuzu? Check.

Its another boozy one, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

This hard seltzer is actually rather special, as in crafting it they use real high quality fruit right from the Shimane prefecture of Japan. Yuzu just as it should be experienced!

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